Hierarchical Chart Alphabetical Chart
I divided the character list into a seven level hierarchy. Levels were assigned primarily by counting how much space was devoted to the character, and secondarily by the author’s opinion.Level 7: The overarching story is that of Julian and Mark.
Level 6: The story of Nick and Tom serves as comparison/contrast and support.
Level 5 is the first group of Secondary Characters. It includes four individuals that relate to the theme differently—they are not couples. Geoff and Leonard are in search mode. They do not arrive at their goal in the book. They get some terrific experience though. Danny and Sid have found success, in very different ways. Danny and Tony discover each other in Part 5. In some ways, their story is at the core of Part 5. Sid and Kurt found each other by accident in Part 2; their relationship is tentative, on the way to an undefined unstated goal they aren’t ready to think about. They discover as Part 5 ends, that they have more than that. What happens next? No one knows.
Level 4 are Secondary Characters as well, but have less time on stage. They are of great importance to the theme and to the stories. They represent a wider range of maturity and readiness. They interact and connect with themselves and the more important characters in key ways. Jack and Robin are at one extreme of emotional commitment. At the other extreme is Alex, who discovers at the last moment that he can give himself permission to have a friend.
Level 3 are Support Characters. There are several kinds: foils, enablers, or characters emerging into their own love theme story. Some are not related to the theme at all; their function is but keep the world working.
A special category of characters that major or minor does not apply to includes Plot anchors and Cameo figures. The anchors appear a lot, but we never really get to know them as characters. The Cameos have a special one or two time appearance that is memorable but short.
Level 2 characters: 35 in all, these are the plot functionaries. They are identified by name, seen doing, and heard speaking. They give plausibility and coherence to the operation. They are described but not explored.
Level 1 characters are the walk-ons. There are 8 in The Champions, 34 in all. They are there to define, clarify, explain and focus. They help to remove any annoying unanswered or irrelevant questions. They are texture as well as fine sanding and detail. Some are completely incidental and mentioned only once, others appear in two or three books.
Fifteen characters comprise the four top levels. A clear overview of their function can be obtained by reading their entry in the Index of Characters in The Champions. That entry provides a capsule of what occurred in the first four books, followed by the chapter || page locations in the fifth book. They are quoted in order of importance below. The charts showing all the characters are tacked on at the end.
Julian Forrest: First Class scout, main protagonist. An only child, unaware that he has inherited extraordinary artistic talent from his father, a Greenwich Village sculptor whom he has never known. His five year crush on Mark has blossomed into a full active—though secret—romance. He has been staying in the scoutmaster’s cabin since the first day of camp. He learns to experiment in sexplay with other scouts; his goal is to serve Mark better; he works hard to improve his swimming ability. Discovers the Tom and Nick relationship and determines to aid and support it. Conceives the plan to secure mattresses and a private entrance to their tent. Geoff and Danny assist. Helps Geoff to the first aid station, where he sees Sarge, the Camp Quartermaster. He gives Julian a drawing board and large sheets of drawing paper. These transform Julian’s artistic opportunity and he begins a series of large portraits. He counsels Sid, who is confused by Kurt’s sudden change in behavior. He foils an attempt by Paul to trick him into a sexual episode by diverting him to Alex. His lovemaking with Mark becomes more sophisticated. [1 2-4 || 2 5-9 || 3 10-13 || 6 23-5 || 8 39, 41|| 9 45 || 10 47-51 || 11 53-63 || 12 65, 68 || 13 71-3, 77, 93, 98-9 || 14 100-3 || 15 104-7 || 17 112-14 || 18 115, 116, 118 || 19 121 || 20 125, 129-30 || 21 131-4 || 22 136-7, 139, 141-2 || 23 143-5 || 25 151-4 || 26 158-61, 165 || 28 175-80 || 29 188 || 30 197-8 || 32 206, 208, 210-12 || 33 214-18 || 34 219-28, 232-3 || 36 243-7 || 37 250-2 || 38 254-5 || 39 261-2, 264, 270-1, 274-6 || 40 277-279 || 41 280-1 || S 282, 284-5, 287-300, 306-19]
Mark Schaefer: Scoutmaster of Troop Nine. Major protagonist. He is a retail purchasing agent and manager. When he was a senior in college, he was asked to replace his former scoutmaster who died suddenly from a heart attack. This and his marriage of convenience have helped him to cope with a devastating personal loss [see Erik, above]. He devotes all his personal time to scouting. After a year of denial, he succumbs to Julian’s relentless amorous pursuit on the first night at Camp Walker. He decides to permit Julian’s advances by inviting him to stay in the cabin. He has never taken such a risk before. In Part 2 he was appointed to coach a water polo team. His skill as a leader is apparent and the cause of envy by the other scoutmasters. In order to help his Junior Assistant Scoutmaster save face, he installed an official farting post. On Friday he tells Julian about his only previous love partner, Erik. On Saturday he does his first formal pose for Julian. He is unaware that his personal demeanor is changed because of the romance, making him attractive to several of the older boys. On Monday is surprised by Geoff who is looking for a way to seduce him. Geoff gets a lesson in close order drill, during which he succeeds in giving Mark an erection. Mark is stunned and seeks ways to avoid another encounter. He focuses on water polo and leadership duties. He almost puts it out of mind, not seeing any sign of Geoff for the next couple of days. [1 2-4 || 2 14 || 4 14 || 5 17-18 || 6 24 || 7 26-31 || 8 32-3 || 10 47-52 || 11 53-63 || 12 64-9 || 13 71-99 || 14 100-3 || 15 104 ||16 109 || 18 117 || 19 119 || 22 135 || 24 146 || 25 152 || 26 158 || 28 174-80 || 29 184-5, 188, 193 || 30 195, 197 || 31 201|| 32 206, 208-9, 211-13 || 33 214-18 || 34 221-3, 228 || 35 238 || 36 243-8 || 37 250-2 || 38 254-5 || 39 258, 260, 262, 266, 271, 274-6 || 40 277-9 || 41 280-1 || S 284, 287-300, 304, 306-10, 312-19, 321]
Nick Harrison: Secondary protagonist, a Life scout. Troop Scribe, member of the Flaming Arrow patrol. Appointed to mentor Julian as a troop journalist. His three year crush on Tom flowered unexpectedly at the beginning of camp; he and Tom have arranged to sleep together in the troop supply tent. Earns his Lifesaving rating and coaches Julian in swimming. Is befriended by Geoff. Confides in Julian about his romance and is surprised by how knowing and sympathetic Julian is. After Julian secures the pillows, Tom’s lovemaking takes on a new dimension. He and Tom throw a special party For Julian on Sunday Morning. Nick’s skill as a counselor and impresario make him useful to Kurt who is trying to adjust to what he learned from Tom and keep his relationship with Sid honorable. Nick arranges for subs to replace Tom at another Poker game. He is a Tower lifeguard on Wednesday when the water polo accident takes place. [7 29-30 || 8 32-44 || 10 47-51 || 12 66 || 16 109-10 || 18 116 || 19 119, 121 || 22 136, 141-2 || 24 146-50 || 26 155-7 || 27 166-73 || 29 192 || 33 214-5 || 34 219-20, 222, 224-5 || 36 243-5 || 37 250-2, 253 || 39 256, 258, 261, 264, 273-4 || S 282, 288-295, 297-9, 306, 308, 311, 313, 315, 317, 319-20]
Tom Dawson: Junior Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 9 and Eagle scout. A star swimmer and football player; the secondary protagonist, he relies heavily on the analytic ability of Nick Harrison, his protégé and lover. He helps Julian at the first free swim at the lake as a ploy. But his plan to seduce Julian gets derailed by Nick. His whole sexual world gets turned upside down when he allows Nick to show him a new way to make love. Recruited into the Poker club the next day. Outstanding leadership ability, his fetish for fresh adolescent backsides has been quenched by the discovery that he is in love with Nick. He makes the decision to commandeer the troop supply tent to serve as a bedroom for himself and Nick for the remaining days at camp. Chosen to captain Mark’s water polo team. Vows to make amends for his previous sexual exploits, and offers Kurt a chance to get even. He loses interest in playing poker because increasingly he wants to restrict himself to Nick. Feels inadequate because he has to rely on Nick to do the thinking. His water polo and troop leadership skills are a foundation that he is able to build on. [1 2-3 || 2 5 || 4 14 || 7 29-31 || 8 32-44 || 10 47-51 || 11 58 || 12 66 || 15 104, 107 || 16 108-10 || 18 115-17 || 19 119-21 || 20 123, 128-9 || 22 135-6, 140-1 || 24 146-50 || 26 155-9, 161, 164-5 || 27 166-73 || 28 174-5 || 29 183, 185, 189, 192 || 31 201-2 || 32 206, 208-12 || 33 215, 217 || 34 219-24 || 36 243-5 || 37 251-3 || 39 256, 258, 261-5, 273-4 || S 282, 288-98, 303, 309, 311-13, 315, 317, 319-20]
Danny Laskey: Star scout, newly appointed Senior Patrol Leader of Troop Nine. Scoutmaster Mark sees him as the best potential become Assistant Scoutmaster. He has had a crush on Julian for a little more than a year. Though he lives across the fence, he and Julian have only had a nodding acquaintance prior to this camp. He is assigned to supervise Julian in the daily breakfast and camp inspections, and makes his first attempt to seduce Julian. Afterwards, he gets sunburned at the lake. Drops Backpacking and is assigned with Geoff to help the Quartermaster supply perishables to the camps. Learns some advanced lovemaking techniques from Geoff. In Part 4 promoted to lead the Troop to the Sunday service, and was appointed to replace an injured water polo player. He is successful, and for a few days entertains the idea of having a crush on Mark. [1 2-4 || 2 5-6 || 4 14-6 || 5 18, 20-1 || 10 47-8, 50-2 || 11 58 || 12 65, 6, 7, 9 || 13 77 || 15 104-7 || 17 112 || 18 115-8 || 19 120 || 20 123-30 || 26 155-6 || 28 178 || 29 181-93 || 32 211-13 || 33 214 || 34 219-24 || 36 243-7 || 37 250-1 || 39 256-8, 260-1, 263, 273 || S 282, 288,290-1, 294-5, 297, 299-300, 307, 8, 9, 313, 315, 318]
Geoff Staples: Junior Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 419, Atlanta. Life scout, Recently from Burbank California. English/Cambodian descent, poker club member, sophisticated and experienced sexually. He tutored both Danny and Nick in sexual techniques. He dropped out of Backpacking with Danny and was assigned to help supply camps with perishables. Tells Nick about his first love, a wealthy surfer in California. On Saturday flirts with Leonard at the waterfront. On Sunday sees Mark, who resembles his first love, and determines to waylay and seduce him. He gets Mark to give him a one to one lesson in close order drill in the assembly hall that nearly ruins his plan by alerting Mark to his sexual interest. Demonstrates his leadership skill during the thunderstorm. He refurbishes an old trail to use in his late night visit to the cabin. Injures himself with a machete in the process. [1 3 || 2 5 || 3 11-12 || 5 17-21` || 6 25 || 7 26-31 || 9 45 ||10 51 || 12 64-69 || 13 119-22 || 19 150-2 || 20 1123, 126-30 || 21 133 || 22 135-43 || 24 146 || 26 160-4 || 28 175-7 || 29 188-9, 191 || 30 195 || 31 204 || 32 207-9, 212-3 || 35 229-40 || 39 257, 261 || S 290-7, 299-300, 307-8, 310, 312, 314-18, 320]
Leonard Stafford: Waterfront Director at Camp Walker. Has an uncanny ability to remember names and faces. Develops a Platonic fondness for Julian. Enjoys keeping track of camp romances. Leonard proves to be completely vulnerable to Geoff’s flirtation. He is inexperienced and unpracticed in the amorous arts, and Geoff has a field day. Geoff successfully invaded Leonard’s personal defenses, intending an eventual seduction. Luckily it is all verbal and in public behind his table at the lake last Saturday. That scheme was put on hold by the Mark project. Mark and Leonard are the same age. He sits for a portrait by Julian. [3 12 || 5 17 || 6 24-5 || 10 50 || 11 53 || 14 103 || 16 108-10 || 18 115, 117-8 || 20 131-4 || 21 131-4 || 22 136-42 || 26 155-164, 165 || 27 167, 171 || 30 197-8 || 32 204-9, 212-13 || 35 230-41 || 36 242, 244, 246 || S 289, 294, 298, 303, 308, 313, 315, 316]
Sid Thomas: First Class scout in the Wolf patrol. Julian’s friend from school and Cub Scouts. He is known for his prankster sense of humor and his extremely skinny physique. His mother bought him a new turquoise air mattress for camp. In Part 2 his snorkel became an unexpected enabler when Julian borrowed it to investigate Doug and Paul’s under water activity. Their friendship becomes more personal as a result. He and Kurt became involved in a relationship on Friday, thanks to the snorkel. He is counseled and consoled by Julian when Kurt gets confused by Tom’s private lesson. Kurt and he are reconciled thanks to the advice Kurt gets from Nick. [1 4 || 2 5 || 11 61 || 15 105 || 22 140 || 25 154 || 30 198 || 32 210 || 36 243 || 39 257-61, 264, 270-3 || S 282, 288, 291, 293-5, 297-8, 313-15, 317-18]
Alex Trent: Star scout, member of the Lynx patrol. Son of a Major in the Marine Corps, highly principled and ambitious. On the first day of camp, shows Julian how to use the camp wash station. Estranged from his father for reasons he doesn’t understand. Unschooled about sexual matters, masturbates in the latrine when he gets too horny. Helps Tenderfoot Sandy write his first letter home. Assigned to mentor Clint, caught in the thunderstorm during an overnight hike. Afterward he has to share his sleeping bag with Clint. He demonstrates skill, courage and dedication. He remains confused about his sexual needs. [2 5-9 || 15 105-7 || 31 200-203 || 39 265-9 || S 282, 298-300]
Jack Haley: Junior Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop 152, Atlanta. Eagle scout, recruited by Geoff to join Brian’s private poker game. At the second game he was matched with Robin and they have been nearly inseparable since. They met the next day and found a private place to meet along the east lakeshore. Jack names it Whispering Oaks. It becomes their regular destination during the free periods. On Sunday night he meets Robin at the lake for a sunrise vigil. They make it back to their camps undetected. [19 119-22 || 22 135 || 24 146-50 || 26 155-9, 165-6 || 27 168-73 || 31 201 || 32 207-12 || 37 252-3 || 39 263, 265 || S 290-1, 306, 318-19]
Jeremy Baker: Julian’s friend, First Class scout in the Wolf patrol; was a Cub Scout with Julian. Is educated unexpectedly in the facts of life by hearing about the snorkel episode. He is new to sex and not quite ready. He is aware of Sid’s relationship with Kurt, but wants to keep his distance. [6 24-5 || 22 140 || 25 153-4 || 26 157, 159-60 || 27 166 || 29 183 || 30 198-9 || 32 210 || 39 170-1 || S 282, 288, 293]
Justin Blake: First Class scout in the Zebra patrol. Julian’s protégé and Forestry Buddy. In Part 2 he and Julian witness an advanced sexual activity in the forest. He is present when Julian tells about the snorkel. He joins in the group activity, though he isn’t sure about it. Mark asks Leonard to watch for ways to deal with his loneliness. His swimming skills come to the fore when Tom sees him do some laps out to the platform. [10 50 || 15 105 || 24 150-4 || 26 158-60, 165 || 30 198-9 || 32 206-9, 210-11 || 39 270 || S 282, 289,292-3, 296, 298-9, 317]
Kurt Davis: Star scout in the Zebra Patrol. Enrolled in a private gym program to develop defensive capability. He was forced to have sex by Tom one day after school when he was an 8th grader. On Friday he hears Julian and Sid describe what they saw through the snorkel between Doug and Paul. He is the oldest in the group and teaches them how a circle jerk works. Later that day he corners Sid and takes him for a canoe ride so that Sid can demonstrate in person. The encounter is the beginning of a personal relationship. On Sunday, he is surprised by Tom’s offer to make amends for what he did in the woods over a year ago. [2 5 || 6 24-5 || 10 49 || 15 105 || 25 154 || 26 157-9 || 27 168 || 30 198-9 || 32 210 || 39 257-60, 264, 270-4 || S 282, 293-5, 297-9, 315, 317, 319]
Robin Simmons: Life scout in the Lynx patrol. Close friend of Dick’s. Met Jack at the Poker game on Wednesday, and they have become intense lovers. He is a skilled boatman, and takes Jack on a magical ride along the east shore where they finish what they had started after the poker game. On Sunday night sneaks out of camp to spend the night with Jack at their private space called Whispering Oaks. They see the sunrise from the boat on the lake and get back to camp undetected. [10 49 || 19 119-22 || 24 147-50 || 26 155 157-9 || 27 172-3 || 31 207-9 || 32 210-12 || 37 252-3 || 39 262-3, 265-6, 272 || S 282, 290, 292, 296-7, 311-12, 314]
Tony Johnson: First Class scout in the Tiger patrol. Talented, comical, and usually in need of points; he tends to annoy his patrol leader, and is frequently penalized for simple infractions and oversights. He is the troop’s most talented actor and clown. Substituted for Tom at the third poker game, where he meets Geoff; delights the contestants in Freddy’s Shooting Gallery by lampooning Howard Cosell covering the event for TV. Nearly gets caught distracting the lifeguard [Nick] while telling Nick about the poker game. [7 27-31 || 8 32-3, 36, 44 || 18 117-8 || 19 120 || 20 123-30 || 26 155-6 || 28 175 || 29 181-93 || 31 201 || 34 220-2 || 37 250 || 39 256-64, 273 || S 282, 293, 296, 308-9, 311-13, 317-8]